The Poppy

Grow your following, expand your reach and bloom on socials. 

From Instagram Uncertainty to Confident and Comfortable Posting Every Time! 

Join The Poppy Waitlist HERE

Hey there,

It's Ilona from @ottimade here.

There’s no denying Instagram is a wildly popular social media tool that many Quiet Creatives use to power their beautiful and successful businesses.

But HOW are they doing it?

And more importantly, is it still possible to show up authentically and actually even be seen anymore?

Well the answer is most assuredly yes.

But there is no one magic tool or strategy that will gain you traction.

Just as Instagram has many facets, there are many strings to the bow that is putting together a coherent and powerful Instagram presence.

In the last seven years I have used Instagram almost exclusively to drive sales in my highly successful pottery business and I have now created a roadmap for you to do the same.

Do you feel overwhelmed and uncomfortable when you show up on Instagram because you don’t know what to do and you don’t want to waste your time creating content that flops?

Do you lack a clear, strategic approach to your Instagram marketing ? 

Do you struggle to drive meaningful results (followers, website traffic, mailing list sign-ups) from your Instagram efforts?

Imagine waking up every morning, excited to check your Instagram account. You log in and see a vibrant community of engaged followers who genuinely connect with your creative work. 

You no longer feel overwhelmed by the pressure to post.

Instead, you have a customised Instagram Playbook that guides you on what to share and when, tailored specifically to your creative practice. You know how to create engaging content that resonates with your audience.

As you scroll through your notifications, you notice comments from potential customers expressing interest in your work.

Your website traffic has increased and you’re seeing more sign-ups for your mailing list. The social proof you've built on Instagram is translating into real opportunities - collaborations, features in local publications, and even sales that used to feel so out of reach.

Now you just feel comfortable and confident posting.

You’ve mastered the art of authentic growth, and easily attract the right type of audience - an audience that appreciates you for who you are and what you bring to the table creatively.

With each post, you’re not just sharing content, you’re building a community. You no longer feel stuck and unsure when it comes to Instagram because you now know how to navigate it with confidence and authenticity.

Imagine how it would feel to:


  • understand how Instagram actually works and what you need to do to make it start working for you instead of against you


  • have a bespoke Instagram Playbook that you’ve created with guidance to ensure you know what to post and when and never feel like you are wasting your time again


  • wake up every day to new followers, new mailing list sign ups, opportunities and sales



THE POPPY Grow your Following, Expand your Reach and Bloom on Socials!

If you are a Quiet Creative, The Poppy will help you put together a cohesive and beautiful Instagram account in order to help you:

  • attract the right type of audience
  • grow your follower count
  • increase your sales
  • be true to you and your brand
  • enable you to show up online confidently.

No loud music, showing your face (unless you want to) or doing silly dances required. Promise.


Join The Poppy Waitlist


I learnt so much from your Reels for Quiet Creatives Course.  

The engagement and reach I was able to achieve shortly after the course completion was something I wouldn't have dreamt of! 

Natalie @natalieannatotterdell


As an artist more interested in my craft and providing an exceptional service than prancing around to grab peoples attention, Ilona understands many of the dilemmas that craftspeople face at a time when it is critical to maintain an online presence. 

Matilda @tildasparrow



 I love your approach to sharing on socials, IG in particular & feel much more confident in the way I show up on this platform now too. 

 Nadine, @the_ivyinstitute



Included in The Poppy:


  •  Six self-paced video modules designed to help you create content your audience loves, converting them to loyal (paying) followers and fans.


  • The Poppy Workbook with tasks and step by step processes to help you tick off everything you need to get done in each module, ensuring course completion and success.


  • The Quiet Creatives 30 page Easy Reels Workflows Guide to help get you comfortable making these important but often challenging pieces of content.


  • Content Planner pdf for easy replicable monthly content planning.


  • Instagram Tech and Tools for Quiet Creatives guide with my discount codes.


  • Instagram Safety and Security Checklist for quarterly implementation.


  • And on completion of the program keep an eye on your mailbox. Course completion is always something to be celebrated and if you have sent me your address after purchase, I will be sending a little something your way to celebrate with you!



Join The Poppy WAITLIST here


Hey there,

I’m Ilona and I help Quiet Creatives show up confidently and authentically on Instagram.  

When you are a one woman show in a creative business you have to wear all the hats to keep things running smoothly. Social media marketing is one aspect of business that can be really hard to manage, but in this day and age is incredibly vital. 

I don’t want other Quiet Creatives feeling like I was feeling at the beginning of my Instagram journey. Like you don’t know what to do or where to start so the effort is actually worth the reward.  

This is this reason I created The Poppy!

You may know me from:

Do you feel overwhelmed and uncomfortable when you show up on Instagram because you don’t know what to do and you don’t want to waste your time?

🌿The Poppy teaches Quiet Creatives how to leverage their unique strengths and create content that resonates without compromising their authenticity. In The Poppy I provide strategies tailored specifically for introverted creators, allowing them to show up confidently and genuinely on Instagram.

Do you lack a clear, strategic approach to Instagram marketing?

🌿The Poppy guides Quiet Creatives to create their own bespoke Instagram Playbook, tailored to their specific business needs and goals. The Playbook then gives you a clear roadmap for what to post, when to post, and how to engage effectively, eliminating guesswork and saving time.

Do you struggle to drive meaningful results (followers, website traffic, mailing list sign-ups) from your Instagram efforts?

🌿 In The Poppy we focus on attracting the right kind of followers - potential customers and collaborators - rather than just increasing numbers. I teach strategies for converting Instagram engagement into tangible business outcomes like increased website traffic and mailing list growth, helping you get real results from your efforts.


What you get

when you join The Poppy


 Six self-paced video modules delivered weekly, designed to help you create content your audience loves, converting them to loyal (paying) followers and fans.

 The Poppy Workbook with tasks and step by step processes to help you tick off everything you need to get done in each module, ensuring course completion and success.

 The Quiet Creatives 30 page Easy Reels Workflows Guide to help get you comfortable making these important but often challenging pieces of content.

 Content Planner pdf for easy replicable monthly content planning.

 Instagram Tech and Tools for Quiet Creatives guide with my discount codes.

 Instagram Safety and Security Checklist for quarterly implementation.

And on completion of the program keep an eye on your mailbox. Course completion is always something to be celebrated and if you have sent me your address in reply to the welcome email, I will be sending a little something your way to celebrate with you!